Best Foods to Build Collagen for Your Life of Wellness (TriVita Login-Amazon Login)
What is collagen? Whenever the term collagen is mentioned, what hits the head is skin health. But no, there is much more collagen can offer than keeping your skin glowing, young, and smooth. So, what is collagen and what are the best sources of collagen? Hold on for incisive content.
Collagen is a protein. This means that it is among the many bodybuilding blocks in the body. Though it is majorly found in your skin. Other body tissues that contain collagen include tendons, bones, and ligaments.
According to a recent study by John Zeichner, MD, the director of the Skin Health Clinical Research Center at St.Annes Hospital in New York City, ”
collagen makes up at least 75% of your skin’s support structure.
Best Source Of Collagen; All You Need To Know About Vitamins
Points to ponder about collagen
• What is the function of collagen? It is a protein structural framework for joints, skin, and bones.
• What is the structural composition of collagen?
• Which kind of food is rich in collagen and gelatin?
• What are the contributing factors to collagen loss?
The sad reality is that collagen degrades with age. Further, your genetic makeup affects the rate of collagen degradation. According to Dr. Anne Robinson, you lose collagen year after year. Also, the production of collagen by your body reduces as years go by.
Factors That Influence the Collagen Deficiency
Free radicals.
These are toxic wastes produced during metabolic activities in your body. Free radicals are often associated with early aging.
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Usually, free radicals are unstable molecules. As a result, they are easily oxidized. By doing so, they get back into the body system and can start interfering with normal body operations. These elements lead to oxidative stress. By damaging normal body operations, the effects of free radicals are largely seen on the skin as it decreases the formation and distribution of collagen.
Collagen Rich Foods
The foods on this list either contain collagen or have compounds that your body can use to produce collagen. Furthermore, all the foods on this list are keto-friendly.
1. Bone Broth
Bone broth is one of the easiest ways to get more collagen in your diet. It’s made from animal bones, which are rich in collagen. Simmering the bones for several hours breaks the collagen down into gelatin so it’s easy to absorb.
Bone broth is also a good source of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin K, and several other nutrients.
You can sip on bone broth or use it to cook soups and sauces. Bone broth is simple to make, but there are also good pre-made options, such as Kettle & Fire bone broth.
For homemade bone broth, brown beef or chicken bones, and then cover them with water. Add salt and optional add-ins like carrots, mushrooms, garlic, onions, apple cider vinegar, and bay leave for extra flavor. Simmer on low heat for 24-48 hours. Store your broth in the fridge or freeze a big batch to last several weeks.
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2. Fish Stock
If you prefer to eat more seafood over beef or don’t have time to simmer bone broth, fish stock is a fast and convenient alternative.
To make it, select a whole fresh fish from the market, minus the filet. Then cover the entire fish (head, skin, and all) with water and simmer on medium heat for 20 to 30 minutes. You can add salt and other spices, like turmeric, black pepper, cayenne, parsley, cilantro, tarragon, or bay leaves, to taste.
Use fish stock the same way you would use bone broth.
Environmental factors
The environment comprises different factors that affect collagen. For example, harsh rays from the sun may pierce collagen structures affecting their distribution. Also, staying in a very cool surrounding temper with the structure of collagen especially the one available in the skin.
Bad lifestyle
Smoking introduces harmful substances to the body’s system. These elements go a long way in affecting body organs including the joints, bones, and skin. Remember, these are regions that contain collagen.
Inappropriate diet

(Click Here)-Inflammation
What you feed on will either reduce or increase collagen distribution in the body. For example, consuming a diet rich in vitamin C will automatically boost your collagen count. However, increased intake of processed sugar foods will damage the structure of collagen.
Example of foods containing collagen includes chicken, berries, fish, citrus fruits, and red and yellow vegetables. Also, egg whites, leafy greens, garlic, tomatoes, beans, cashews, bell peppers, and white tea, avocados, soy, are the best sources of collagen. Indeed, some herbs such as ashwagandha, Bala, horsetail, Chinese knotweed, gotukola, and gynostemma.
Health Benefits Of Collagen
As a structural framework, collagen has numerous benefits for your body.
Improve skin tone.
Collagen comprises about 75 percent of your skin composition. The element plays an integral part in the improvement of your skin tone. Recent studies show that there is a relationship between improved skin tone with increasing collagen in the body. For that matter, an increased intake of foods rich in collagen will give you a lustrous, smooth, and young skin complexion.
Reduce hair loss.
Collagen is the makeup of hair. This is evident in the majority of hair products that contain collagen as the basic ingredient. The deficiency of collagen in the body results in weak, dull, and thin hair. And this kind of hair is prone to breakages.
For that matter, the intake of collagen will help to improve the luster and strength of your hair which leads to reduced hair loss.
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Promote bone health.
Bones are composed of collagen. As such, the intake of this nutrient will play a big role in the growth and development of the skeletal system. Weak bones are prone to fractures. Also, they may cause immobility.
Other benefits of collagen include;
Improve sleep
Restore collagen to the face,
Strengthen heart health
Increase lifespan
Promote stronger muscles
Has antioxidant properties in
Strengthen the immune system
Help to control weight
Restore sexual and hormone health
Trivita Supplements For Collagen

Multi Collagen Complex, (Click Here)
Company: Trivita.
Ingredients: hydrolyzed fish collagen, bovine bone broth,
hydrolyzed bovine collagen peptides, hydrolyzed protein.
Improve skin tone.
Usually, Collagen comprises about 75 percent of your skin composition. Indeed, the element plays an integral part in the improvement of your skin tone. Recent studies show that there is a relationship between improved skin tone with increasing collagen in the body. For that matter, an increased intake of foods rich in collagen will give you a lustrous, smooth, and young skin complexion.
Reduce hair loss.
Collagen is the makeup of hair. This is evident in the majority of hair products that contain collagen as the basic ingredient. The deficiency of collagen in the body results in weak, dull, and thin hair. And this kind of hair is prone to breakages.
For that matter, the intake of collagen will help to improve the luster and strength of your hair which leads to reduced hair loss.
Promote bone health.
Bones are composed of collagen. So, the intake of this nutrient will play a big role in the growth and development of the skeletal system. Weak bones are prone to fractures. Also, they may cause immobility.
(Click Here)-Heart Health
Other functions include:
Reduce collagen deficiency
Improve sleep
Restore collagen to the face,
Improve heart health
Increase lifespan
Promote stronger muscles
Has antioxidant properties in
Strengthen the immune system
Help to control weight
Restore sexual and hormone health
Vital C, (Click Here) Always Utilize The Searchbar
Company: Trivita
Ingredients: Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a multipurpose product. Especially when it comes to strengthening your immunity for 100% protection against pathogens. Plus, vitamin C plays an integral part when it comes to the formation of collagen.
Therefore, the intake of vitamin C will protect you from citations associated with a deficiency of collagen.
Functions: protect you from cold and flu
Boost immunity
Formation of collagen
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Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides Powder – Pasture Raised, Grass Fed, unflavored 20 oz
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As you all know, collagen is an essential element in the body. Indeed, its continuous deficiency may lead to a decreased lifespan. Fortunately, you can help boost collagen levels through the intake of foods rich in nutrients. Further, you can improve your collagen levels through relevant supplements. But what is the best source of collagen?
Click here for more information!
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This content on the Best Source Of Collagen; Everything To Know About Vitamins post has been another amazing learning journey gathering and articulating the most relevant knowledge for your better health for today.
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Perhaps the time is now to engage our health blog. As you are surely a very unique person with so much to offer us all. So don’t hesitate to leave your ever-so-important and heartfelt comments below, for the sake of everyone.
I hope to hear from you soon Sincerely, Jack Butler, founder of betterhealthfortoday.com
I totally agree, Collagen is such an important part of skin health. I find many people just focus on the exterior of their bodies with lotions, etc., but forget to nourish their skin from the inside. Lots of water is helpful, as is the collagen. This brand looks like it’s high quality. I’m definitely going to check it out.
Jack Butler
Thank you always, Alicia, for your very engaging comments within our better health for today blog, as they are a key asset for our site’s ongoing healthiest decision-making process to effectively move forward. It is always great hearing from you, sincerely, Jack
To be honest I’ve never really considered taking supplements compared to the natural way of having your regular Collagen dose, but based on this review I really should consider changing my mind. Being behind the computer for a whole day affects my sleep, but I’ve been looking for faster ways of improving sleep. I’m not new to Trivia’s products as my nephew uses their products all the time. I’ll definitely give this a crack.
Thanks for the review!
Jack Butler
Thank you always, Stereohead45, for your very engaging comments within our better health for today blog, as they are a key asset for our site’s ongoing healthiest decision-making process to effectively move forward. It is always great hearing from you, sincerely, Jack